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1. Introduction

This document serves as an organizing framework for rOpenSci’s project for peer-review of statistical software. It lays out key considerations, outstanding questions, and tasks for our first year of work, for purposes of generating community feedback. The document consists of the following sections:

  • Scope of Statistical Software Review in which we address the scope of the project, and scopes of definition of “statistical software”.

  • Statistical Software Peer Review Process in which we consider questions regarding the possible forms and practices a peer review process might adopt.

  • Standards for Statistical Software in which we consider the kinds of standards which might be developed and applied to assess statistical software.

  • Software Assessment in which we provide a partial list of attributes and measures of software which might be usefully considered.

The document aims to highlight what we consider some of the most important questions which the project will have to address. In its current form, this document does not aim to provide answers to any of these questions, rather to provide a framework for community feedback. The central questions which emerge from this document are given in condensed form in an accompanying document which may be used to structure and enable explicit feedback on the above aspects of the project.

1.1 Project Aims

  • To foster a community of practice in which users and developers of statistical software mutually improve quality, reproducibility, and reliability of research.

  • To provide software creators with a set of tools to assess the quality of their work, and a process by which to improve it.

  • To provide statistical software developers, users, and consumers of results a discoverable “badge” that transparently conveys a level of assurance of software quality and may be usable as professional credit.

  • To create a set of standards that may be adopted and adapted by open source and private groups, academic journals, or other statistical software evaluation projects.

  • To focus on R as primary language, but separate language-specific from language-agnostic components so as to maximize adaptability to other contexts.

  • To focus on problems and solutions specific to statistical software.

2. Scope of Statistical Software Review

A core task is to define the kinds of software that will be covered by our review process and standards, for which key questions are:

  • What categories of statistical software might be considered in scope?

  • What categories of statistical software might be considered out of scope?

  • How would these vary between a useful definition and typology for general use, and the specific case of our R-focused peer review system?

A key consideration in scope is identifying categories of software that (a) will benefit from our peer review process, and (b) the review process will be equipped to handle. That is, can standards and procedures be defined that are applicable, and will authors and reviewers be able to apply them? In considering these issues of definition, it will be important to consider whether it may be advantageous or necessary to develop different procedures for different sub-categories, whether in terms of categories of external form or categories of statistical software.

2.1 Defining “Statistical Software”

There is no ready definition for “statistical software”, but nor may such a definition be essential to the success of the present project. As a point of comparison, the Journal of Statistical Software journal defines its own scope as “statistical computing in all areas of empirical research,” with articles describing “comprehensive open-source implementations of broad classes of statistical models and procedures or computational infrastructure upon which such implementations can be built.”1

It will likely be nevertheless important for the present project to develop some scheme for categorization, particularly because the set of standards envisioned by this project will be variably applicable to different categories, and understanding which standards may or may not apply to a particular piece of software will provide important information for review purposes. The following points provide examples of the kinds of categories which may be usefully considered:

  • Supervised / regression models and algorithms

  • Unsupervised models and algorithms

  • Predictive / black box approaches

  • Parametric and analytically tractable approaches

  • Implementation of new methods

  • Re-implementation or improvement of methods

  • Workflow support for multiple methods or specific contexts

  • Summary statistic calculation

  • Statistical visualization and diagnostics

  • Power analysis and study design

  • “Wrappers” around internally-bundled or externally-installed routines coded by third parties

We conceive of categorization as providing useful direction in the development and application of standards, particularly because different standards are likely to apply to differing degrees for different categories of software. Individual pieces of software will often fit more than one of these categories, but we envision relating some kind of categorical checklist directly to a corresponding checklist of relevant or applicable standards.

2.2 Examples of Statistical Software

We now consider a few brief categorical examples, to illustrate the kinds of decisions such a process of categorisation will likely face.

  • gtsummary, submitted to rOpenSci and reject as out-of-scope.
  • Creates presentation-ready tables summarizing data sets, regression models, > and more. The code to create the tables is concise and highly > customizable. Data frames can be summarized with any function, > e.g. mean(), median(), even user-written functions. Regression models are > summarized and include the reference rows for categorical variables. > Common regression models, such as logistic regression and Cox proportional > hazards regression, are automatically identified and the tables are > pre-filled with appropriate column headers.

    This package appears not to contain any algorithmic implementations, yet is clearly aimed at enhancing a purely statistical workflow. Such a submission requires answering the question of whether software categorized as “workflow” only and which does not correspond to any other of the above categories, may be deemed in scope?

  • greta is an package for statistical modelling in R (R Core Team, 2019) that > has three core differences to commonly used statistical modelling software > packages:

    • greta models are written interactively in R code rather than in a > compiled domain specific language.

    • greta can be extended by other R packages; providing a fully-featured > package management system for extensions.

    • greta performs statistical inference using TensorFlow (Abadi et al., > 2015), enabling it to scale across modern high-performance computing > systems.

    The greta package might be considered predominantly an interface to TensorFlow, yet it provides a new way to specify and work with purely statistical models. This might be considered under both workflow and wrapper categories, and serves here to illustrate the question of whether wrappers around, in this case, externally-installed software might be considered in scope? And if so, to what extent ought aspects of such externally-installed software also be directly addressed within a review process?

  • The modelStudioR package automates the process of model exploration. It > generates advanced interactive and animated model explanations in the form > of a serverless HTML site. It combines R(R Core Team, 2019) with D3.js > (Bostock, 2016) to produce plots and descriptions for various local and > global explanations. Tools for model exploration unite with tools for EDA > to give a broad overview of the model behaviour.

    As with gtsummary above, this is clearly a package intended to enhance a workflow, and furthermore one which primarily serves to generate summary output as a ht``ml document, yet the models it considers, and all aspects of output produced, are purely statistical. This package could meet both workflow and visualization categories, and serves here to illustrate difficulties in considering the latter of these. The D3.``js library contains numerous indubitably statistical routines, and so this package might be argued to be a wrapper in the same category as greta is a wrapper around TensorFlow. An important question likely to arise in considering both of these is the extent to which the library being wrapped should also be predominantly statistical for a package to be in scope? (A requirement which greta would more easily fulfil than gtsummary.)

We have compiled a list of the descriptions of all packages rejected by rOpenSci as being out of current scope because of current inability to consider statistical packages, along with a selection of recent statistical R packages accepted by JOSS. (The full list of all R package published by JOSS can be viewed at

2.3 Computer Languages and Package Structures

Our scope of work for this project is focused on developing peer-review for statistical software in the R language. This most likely will refer to R packages. However, it may also consider review of other forms for bundling R software, or software primarily written in other languages. Moreover, R packages often contain code from a variety of other languages, traditionally Fortran and C, now very commonly also C++, as well as other non-compiled languages such as JavaScript, and compiled languages such as Rust. It is accordingly expected that software review will potentially encompass code in several languages. We will need to determine the extent to which each of these categories may be in-scope and how review may vary between them:

  • R packages containing compiled code in traditionally used compiled languages (Fortran C, C++)

  • R packages containing code in other languages (Rust, Python, JavaScript)

  • Packaging appropriate for other languages (such as Python) yet with some interface with the R language

  • R interfaces to algorithms or software developed independently in different languages (“wrapper” packages)

  • Other forms of bundling or presenting R code other than standard packages (scripts, modules, graphical / web user interfaces)

Moreover, the project aims to develop a set of language-independent standards able to be transferred to other languages and systems for peer review. In scoping and standards development, we will separate language-agnostic concepts from language-specific implantation.

3. Statistical Software Peer Review Process

Our point of departure for our process is the rOpenSci software peer review process, which has operated for five years, reviewing >200 packages primarily in the area of data lifecycle management. However, we aim to reassess this process in light of other models and needs specific to statistical software. Some core questions we seek to resolve are:

  • What are we reviewing? (Full packages? Only limited pieces of packages? Other forms of softare?)

  • What is the outcome of review?

    • Do we generally presume ultimate acceptance and work with package authors to improve quality prior to acceptance, as largely practiced in current rOpenSci system?

    • Or ought there be some possibility of rejection following review?

    • Do we develop and use some kind of “checklist” system, with a list of essential properties and practices which must be met prior to acceptance, along with potentially additional items reflecting current best practices which may be met?

    • To what extent can or should processes and procedures following review be formalized (and potentially automated)? This is related to issues of lifecycle considered below.

  • To what extent should the review process be automated or self-certified? Stages which might gain from automation include:

    • Compiling diagnostic reports throughout and following review

    • Using these to populate checklists of the kind mentioned above

    • Finding reviewers, through combinations of text mining, code analyses, web scraping, and other means.

    • Directly managing the review process, like current operations of the Journal of Statistical Software.

    • Monitoring ongoing use of, and community surrounding, our peer-reviewed software.

  • Which parts of the process should be open and which closed?

  • Should review be a one-off phenomenon, or should there be multiple review phases throughout the software lifecycle?

  • Should we maintain the separation or independence of reviewers from code development, or might it be better to encourage direct engagement of reviewers with ongoing code development?

  • Who should be in the pool of software reviewers and editors, and how might we find and cultivate such a pool?

3.1 Current Models

rOpenSci’s current software peer-review process, detailed in our developer guide, is based on a blend of practices from peer review of academic practices and code review in open-source projects. Review takes place via an issue thread in our “software-review” repository on GitHub. The review process is entirely open, with each issue thread used to manage the entire process, coordinated by rOpenSci’s editors. After initial screening for scope and minimal qualification by editors two reviewers provide comments and feedback on software packages. After one or more rounds of revisions, packages reach a point of approval, at which point they are “accepted” by rOpenSci, symbolized both through a badge system, and (generally) through transferring the software from an author’s private domain to the domain.

The Journal of Open Source Software was based on rOpenSci and follows a similar approach, with greater automation and broader scope. The Journal of Statistical Software conducts a closed review of both manuscript and software, with fewer prescriptive standards. BioConductor, in reviewing packages for acceptance into its repository conducts an open review primarily aimed at maintaining minimum standards and intercompatibilty.

Other initiatives further afield from academic peer review may offer useful models. For instance, the Linux Core Infrastructure Initiative provides badges to project meeting development best practices. Badges are graded (passing/silver/gold), and awarded by package authors self-certifying that they have implemented items on a checklist. The Debian system has an extensive set of standards referred to as the “Debian Policy” document. This document is versioned, and each Debian package must assert the latest version of the standards to which it conforms. This requirement enables potentially obsolete packages to be readily flagged, and readily ensures the active maintenance of software. A continuously updated “Upgrading Checklist” explicitly describes the steps necessary to ensure conformance to each consecutive upgrade of the Policy Document. There are also language-specific policies, such as for python packages.

3.2 Software Life Cycle Considerations

The importance of considering Software “lifecycles” has long been recognized for closed-source proprietary software, yet lifecycles have only been given scant consideration in contexts of open source software (exceptions include Stokes 2012; Lenhardt et al. 2014). A long history and tradition in both practice and published literature on software review (for example, Mili 2015; Ammann and Offutt 2017) generally concludes that software review is most effective when it is an ongoing process that is structurally embedded within a software lifecycle, and when review occurs as frequently as possible. Such a practice contrasts strongly with the singular nature of review as currently implemented by rOpenSci.

An effective system for peer review of statistical software is thus may lie somewhere between the “one-off” practices above, and frequent, ongoing review typical of software development in active teams. An analysis of the effects of rOpenSci’s review process on a few metrics of software development activity revealed that software development tends to stagnate following review. This may be interpreted to reflect software having reached a sufficiently stable state requiring relatively little ongoing maintenance. However, we note that metrics of community engagement with software are generally positively related to the metrics of development activity considered there. Slowing of software development following review may also accordingly reflect or result in decreases in community engagement.

Potential systems to enhance review of the kind current practiced by rOpenSci, and particularly to encourage and enable more ongoing review on smaller scales and shorter time frames, include pull-request reviews, and systems for providing inline code reviews (such as watson-ruby). In addition, ongoing “review” may be explicit in considering the role of user feedback, for instance, in defining and updating the scope of statistical routines (see “Standards for Statistical Software” below).

3.3 Community

A core goal of the project is the building and maintenance of a community of practice that will facilitate dissemination, adoption, and improvement of standards and peer review. In striving for this goal, the following questions are important:

  • What outreach should we conduct to maximize diversity and inclusion in the process?

  • How should this process involve other relevant communities in fields including software development, statistics, applied statistics (in various subfields)

  • What fora should we manage for developers, users, reviewers and editors to communicate? To what extent should we reuse existing fora from rOpenSci or other organizations?

We now briefly consider the three aspects of community relevant to this project: communities of users, of developers, and of reviewers. Note that several of the kinds of “metrics” alluded to in the following lines are given explicit consideration at the end of this document.

Software use and surrounding community:

  • What sort of metrics might provide insight into community use of software?

  • How might such community engagement be enhanced to improve such metrics?

Software development and surrounding community:

  • What sort of metrics might provide insight into community development of software?

  • How might such community engagement be enhanced to improve such metrics?

Reviewer pool and qualifications:

  • What is the extent and type of effort expected of reviewers?

  • To what extent might searches for suitable reviewers be automated?

  • What sort of metrics might be useful in such searches?

In each case the project will strive to cultivate diverse, inclusive, and geographically expansive communities, and metrics to describe such aspects may also be important, as may automated tools to monitor community engagement and development.

4. Standards

An important output of the present project a set of standards which serve as expectations for software and guides for reviewers to assess software against.

Important general questions regarding standards include the following:

  • What kind of standards might apply to software in general?

  • How might such standards differ between different languages?

  • What kind of standards might specifically apply to statistical software? (See the following sub-section.)

  • To what extent should we aim for “verification” or “validation” of software?

We acknowledge that standards of the kind anticipated here will likely be better conceived of to reflect ongoing processes of development. As such, of equal importance to developing a set of standards per se will be developing an understanding of the kinds of processes which may have the most defining effect on resultant standards at any point in time.

The remainder of this document employs a convenient distinction between:

  • General Standards” which may be applied to all software considered within this project, irrespective of how it may be categorized under the times of categories of statistical software listed above; and

  • Specific Standards” which apply to different degrees to statistical software depending on the software category.

It is likely that standards developed under the first category may subsequently be deemed to be genuinely Statistical Standards yet which are applicable across all categories, and we thus anticipate a degree of fluidity between these two broad categories. Moreover, we do not pursue General Standards any further in the present document, and merely presume that these will emerge, or may be derived, from the following considerations of Specific Aspects of Software.

4.1 Standards Specific to Statistical Software

The applicability of any concrete set of standards is likely to differ between different categories of statistical. For example, metrics of numerical accuracy will likely differ between categories primarily describing analytical algorithms and those describing less tractable routines which produce less directly reproducible results. Or consider metrics derived from tests, which must be interpreted in qualitatively different ways for packages entirely dependent on their own internal code versus packages largely dependent on the results of calls to external data providers (along with additional differences between, for example, locally-installed “external” providers versus online sources of external data).

Different standards must thus be considered to be differentially applicable to different categories of software, and thus the interplay between the scope of statistical software considered above and throughout this project, and the standards emerging from the project, will be of critical importance throughout the project. Such considerations lead to the following kinds of questions which will likely have to be addressed:

  • To what extent ought we aim for general standards at the expense of specific ability to assess particular categories of statistical software?

  • To what extent ought we strive for automation of software assessment, given the inherent risk of overseeing qualitative differences between different categories?

  • How much effort should be expended both developing a categorization of statistical software, and understanding the potential effects of such a categorization?

The following exemplify a few categories of statistical standards which may be considered, emphasising restrictions of applicability to alernative kinds of software.

  • Numerical standards such as precision or convergence. These will be applicable only to some restricted subset of all potential categories of statistical software (likely including but not limited to analytic and, to some extent, predictive routines) Moreover, even these two categories alone will likely require differing standards for precision or convergence.

  • Method validity It may be necessary or useful to develop standards for the validity of a chosen method, independent of its implementation. Questions of validity are commonly related to domains of application, and therefore must relate directly to any system for categorising statistical software. A method may (have been demonstrated to) be valid for some particular domain of application, and a software routine may be developed to adapt that method to some previously untried domain. It may then be necessary to consider potential (in)validity of that software, along with potential validity in other domains, themselves potentially not explicitly considered by the software authors.

  • Software scope The preceding considerations extend directly to general concerns of scope, whether in terms of domains of applicability, properties of input or output data, authorial intentions, or other contextual factors. Scope in all of these senses obviously must directly affect and determine the kinds of standards which may or may not apply to software, just as defining scope in these senses is also effectively an exercise in categorization of the kind described above.

  • Reference standards For software which implements or relies on standard routines, it may be necessary to designate reference data or implementations against which to compare outcomes, or guidance in selecting such references. For instance, the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the U.S. provides a collection of reference data sets with certified computational results which statistical software should be able to reproduce.

We envision the project proceeding from this initial stage by developing parallel definitions for both categories of software (defining both in-scope and beyond-scope, above), and specific standards. A simple way to proceed may be to develop lists for both, along with a representation of inter-connections between categories and standards.

4.2 Generally Applicable Standards

In addition to standards specific to the challenges of statistical software, it will also be necessary to create or adopt standards governing general aspects of software, such as interface, documentation, and testing. Mili (2015) also provides a general list of software design principles, divided between Functional Attributes (including Correctness and Robustness), Usability Attributes (including Ease of Use, Ease of Learning, Customizability, Calibrability, and Interoperability), and Structural Attributes (including Design Integrity, Modularity, Testability, and Adaptability).

5.1 Software Interface

There are likely aspects of overall software interface (“API”) that might be considered, reviewed, encouraged, or expected. rOpenSci’s guide on package development, maintenance, and peer review provides standards of this type for R packages, primarily within its first chapter. Another notable example is the tidyverse design guide, and Conventions for R Modeling Pacakges provides guidance for model-fitting APIs.

5.2 Documentation

Standards will include requirements for form and completeness of documentation. As with interface, several sources already provide starting points for reasonable documentation.

Some documentation requirements will be specific to the statistical context. For instance, it is likely we will have requirements for referencing appropriate literature or references for theoretical support of implementations. Another area of importance is correctness and clarity of definitions of statistical quantities produced by the software, e.g., the definition of null hypotheses or confidence intervals. Data included in software – that used in examples or tests – will also have documentation requirements.

An additional area for consideration is the creation of tools for documentation creation and evaluation based on metadata of statistical method inputs and outputs and packaged data (Lenhardt et al. 2014). Relationships between data and statistical software may be structured in a sufficiently systematic way to permit systematic documentation.

5.3 Testing

Testing is a critical area for standards, as tests are a concrete manifestation of standards and the means by which authors may demonstrate compliance. While testing is considered best practice and test coverage often used as a measure of test completeness, guidance on what to test is rare, especially in the context of R packages. Thus, standards will need to provide guidance on the types and methods of tests required for different statistical software categories.

In addition, statistical software may benefit from means or modes of testing beyond the common frameworks used in and for R packages (e.g. R RMD check, testhtat). A variety of other frameworks and workflows from other languages and contexts may be relevant. Almost all testing as currently implemented in R is “concrete testing” (Mili 2015), and little consideration has been given in R to “stochastic” or “property-based” testing, in which expectation values of inputs and outputs are tested, rather than concrete instantiations of such. Other languages have developed grammars for stochastic or property-based testing, notably through the hypothesis package for python. These grammars enable specification of test assumptions as well as expected test outputs. Assumptions in hypothesis are declared through simple @given statements that might, for example, quantify an assumed probability distribution for input data, while outputs are specified through equivalent @expect statements that might, for example, specify expected distributional properties of an output rather than just concrete values.

The following are likely key questions which we will need to address regarding testing:

  • To what extent should testing focus on functional or integration rather than unit testing?

  • Is it sufficient to consider test execution as an integral part of R CMD check only? Or might there by a case for developing alternative test execution environments and approaches? For instance, should there be an alternate workflow for long-running tests, tests requiring large data, or tests intended to be executed for other purposes?

  • Is it worthwhile concretely defining one or more goals of testing? (Such as error detection, error frequencies, error tolerance, accuracy.)

  • What are the test data? And how easy is it to input alternative data to tests?

  • Is there scope for “stochastic” or “property-based” testing?

  • What test reporter should be used? Does the testthat package and similar suffice? Or might it be worth considering new test reporting systems?

  • What aspects of tests and test data (both actual and permissible) might be worthwhile documenting in some kind of metadata format?

5. Software Assessment

To additionally inform the general considerations described in the preceding sections, this section presents a general (yet non-exhaustive) overview of aspects of software which may be usefully considered for standards-based assessment, both for retrospective purposes of peer review, and for prospective use in developing software both in general, and in preparation for peer-review. It will be important to consider the applicability of each metric to different categories of statistical software, as well as the extent to which the following aspects may be more or less applicable or relevant at different phases of a software lifecycle, or how expected values for, or results of applying, metrics may vary throughout a software lifecycle.

5.1 General Software Metrics

The following is an incomplete list of the kinds of metrics commonly used to evaluate software in general, and which might provide useful for assessing statistical software in the present project.

  • Code structure

    • Cyclomatic complexity

    • Codebase size

    • Function size / number

    • Numbers of external calls within functions

    • Numbers and proportions of Exported / non exported functions

    • Code consistency

    • Dynamic metrics derived from function call networks or similar

      • Network-based metrics both for entire packages, for individual functions, and derived from analyses of test coverage

      • Functional overlap with other packages

  • Documentation metrics:

    • Numbers of documentation lines per function

    • Proportion of documentation to code lines

    • Presence of examples

    • Vignettes

  • Data documentation metrics

    • Intended and/or permitted kinds of input data

    • Nature of output data

    • Description of data used in tests

  • Meta struture

    • Dependencies

    • Reverse dependencies

  • Meta metrics

    • License (type, availability, compatibility)

    • Version control?

    • Availability of website

    • Availability of source code (beyond CRAN or similar)

    • Community:

      • Software downloads and usage statistics

      • Numbers of active contributors

      • Numbers or rates of issues reported

    • Maintenance:

      • Rate/Numbers of releases

      • Rate of response to reported issues

      • Last commit

      • Commit rate

    • stars (for github, or equivalent for other platforms)

    • forks

  • Extent of testing

    • Code coverage

    • Examples and their coverage

    • Range of inputs tested

5.2 Metrics specific to statistical software

Metrics specific to statistical software will depend on, and vary in applicability or relevance with, the system for categorizing statistical software expected to emerge from the initial phase of this project. Details of this sub-section will be largely deferred until we have a clearer view of what categories might best be considered, which we are hopeful will emerge following the first committee meeting, and in response to ensuing feedback. In the meantime, metrics can be anticipated by referring to the preceding examples for categories of statistical software (numerical standards, method validity, software scope, and reference standards). We anticipate having a number of such categories, along with a number of corresponding metrics for assessing software in regard to each category. As mentioned at the outset, software will generally be expected to fit within multiple categories, and specific metrics will need to be developed to ensure validity for software encompassing any potential combination of categories.

5.3 Diagnostics and Reporting

While the preceding sub-sections considered what might be assessed in relation to statistical software, the project will also need to explicitly consider how any resultant assessment might best be presented and reported upon. Indeed, a key output of the project is expected to be a suite of tools which can be used both in this and other projects to construct, curate, and report upon a suite of peer-reviewed software. Moreover, we will aim to develop these tools partly to provide or enhance the automation of associated processes, aiming both to enhance adaptability and transferability, and to ensure the scalability of our own project.

It is useful in this context to distinguish between collective tools useful for, of applicable to, collections of software, of individuals, or of processes pertaining to either (here, primarily peer review), and singular tools of direct applicability to individual pieces of software. We envision needing to address the (likely relative) importance of some of the following kinds of diagnostic and reporting tools which may be usefully developed.

Collective Tools

  • Qualitative tools useful in assessing or formalizing categories of software

  • Quantitative tools to retrospectively assess such aspects as:

    • Collective “quality” of software

    • Community engagement

    • Effectiveness (or other metrics) of review

Singular Tools

  • Quantitative tools that can be prospectively used to

    • Improve or assure software quality

    • Document aspects of software quality

    • Aid modularity or transferability either of software, or of the tools themselves

  • Tools to formalize structural aspects of software such as tests (for example, through implementing new frameworks or grammars)

  • Extensions of extant packages such as lintr, covr, goodpractice

  • Comparisons of package metrics to distributions for other packages or systems (such as the CRAN archive directories)

  • Diagnostic and report aggregation, design, or automatic creation at any stage before, during, or after peer review.

The one question of abiding importance is the extent to which any such tools, and/or the automation of processes which they may enable, might enhance any of the following aspects:

  • Software development
  • Peer review of software
  • Wider communities of users or developers
  • The adaptation of our system to other domains

A good example for the effectiveness of automation in the kinds of peer review processes envisioned to emerge from this project is provided by submissions to the Journal of Open Source Software, which features open reviews, many aspects of which are automated by a custom-developed bot called “whedon”.

7. Bibliography

Ammann, Paul, and Jeff Offutt. 2017. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press.

Mili, Ali. 2015. Software Testing: Concepts and Operations.

Vogel, David A. 2011. Medical Device Software Verification, Validation and Compliance. Boston: Artech House.

Ammann, Paul, and Jeff Offutt. 2017. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press.

Mili, Ali. 2015. Software Testing: Concepts and Operations.

Ammann, Paul, and Jeff Offutt. 2017. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press.

Lenhardt, W., Stanley Ahalt, Brian Blanton, Laura Christopherson, and Ray Idaszak. 2014. “Data Management Lifecycle and Software Lifecycle Management in the Context of Conducting Science.” Journal of Open Research Software 2 (1): e15.

Mili, Ali. 2015. Software Testing: Concepts and Operations.

Stokes, David. 2012. “21 - Validation and Regulatory Compliance of Free/Open Source Software.” In Open Source Software in Life Science Research, edited by Lee Harland and Mark Forster, 481–504. Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine. Woodhead Publishing.

  1. We explored whether we could usefully define topics of interest in a preliminary text analysis of all historical submissions to JSS yet found no notable phrases or topics which might be useful to define or categorize statistical software, other than topics pertaining to particular areas of application.