7  Offboarding

7.1 Overview 

The offboarding is an opportunity to officially close the participation in the Champions Program. It mainly gives us a chance to reflect on the road we have traveled and celebrate our achievements. It also includes administrative tasks, such as the payment process for the champions and reporting. Champions and mentors are invited to express how they would like to continue engage with rOpenSci.

7.1.1 Champions Stipend

NUMFocus is the rOpenSci fiscal sponsor and is responsible for paying the stipend. They have set up a process for payment requests.

The program manager emails the Instructions for receiving payment for your fellowship as a rOpenSci Champion to every champion. The summary is:

  1. Champions must submit an Invoice with the following information:

    • Champions name, address, and email address

    • Address the invoice to NumFOCUS, Inc., PO Box 90596, Austin, TX 78709

    • The current date

    • Invoice number

    • Description: “rOpenSci Champions Program stipend” 

    • Amount: $1,000.00 USD

  2. Send the payment request using NUMFocus form.

    • The form will request your bank account information or PayPal account.

    • In Project Name choose rOpenSci.

    • In specific grant write CZI Champions

    • In Item/Work Description write rOpenSci Champions Program Fellowship

    • Upload your invoice in PDF format.


      Each Champion will need to fill out a W form for US taxes. There are different forms to fill out according to Champion’s status as a US Citizen.

  3. Payment is issued within 30 days after approval by project leaders.

    Know issues
    • The information on the name holder in the bank account must be the same as in the payment request form.
    • PayPal can apply fees to the payment.
    • Countries have different regulations and processes about payments in a foreign currency. Each champion must know their country’s details in order to get pay.

7.1.2 Final meeting 

The very lidst full cohort and mentor meeting provides an opportunity for Champions to reflect on their projects and progress, offer thanks to each other and their mentors, and talk about next steps.

Virtual Notes

These are the virtual notes from the 2022-2023 final meetings. 

Only accessible for rOpenSci Champions Program Team and First cohort attendees.

The meeting is mandatory for champions but optional for mentors. The agenda for the meeting is:

  • Program manager recap in all the work done and what are the next step. 15 minutes. Slides: rOpenSci Champions Program - Wrapup 

  • A Q&A session  - 10 minute: there were questions related with the process to .

  • Activity: rOpenSci: Final Reflections - 30 minutes. Final Reflections Activity

In the shared documents. Find your name under each title and add your reflections. 

After you’ve added your own reflections, review each other’s posts and add comments or likes (+1)

  • Title 1: Participating in the rOpenSci Champions Program enables me to …

  • Title 2: I felt like a “change agent” for rOpenSci when …

  • Title 3: General notes of gratitude

The program manager also have 1 to 1 meeting with the champions that required to discuss with more detail future engagement with the community.

7.1.3 Next Steps - Assesment

We also explain the process for the assessment of the Champions Program by the cohort during the offboarding.

  • Anonymous survey: what it is and when we will send the link to the form.
  • 1:1 interview with Champions: when it will happen and how.
  • Focus Group with Mentors: when it will happen and how.